Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Here are the long waited Oscar losers according to myself from Sunday nights ceremony.


3. The bronze medal for Oscar loser goes to Dreamgirls. It did win 2 Oscars but the movie lost the ones it was suppose to win. The movie prided itself on its music and costume design. I will give it the benefit of the doubt for costume design because of how stacked that category was (Maria Antoinette (winner) and the Devil Wears Prada), but losing best song to Melissa Etheridge when you had 3 songs nominated is tough to let slide by. I mean there was a 60% percent chance that they would win the Oscar. Oh Well!

2. The second loser of the Oscars was Clint Eastwood. He not only had 6 total nominations but he had 2 movies nominated (Flags of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima). His highlight of the evening was when he presented Ennio Morricone with a lifetime achievement Oscar.

1. The biggest loser of the Oscars was the movie Babel. The golden globe winning movie was nominated for 6 Oscars and walked away with 1 Oscar for best original musical score. It definitely was a sad night for a the 2007 version of Crash (2006 Oscar Winner for best film) as its high expectations were left unfulfilled.

Like I said the Oscars are gone but in their wake they left some great memories and I can not wait for them next year. Be on the look out for my best picture declaration (after I see all the movies).

The movement you need is on your shoulder

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