Wednesday, April 25, 2007

So much to say so little space. This blog will be very similar to my last blog. I will just mention a few things briefly.

1. Today I had a appointment with a oral surgeon to help alleviate the pain in my mouth. He will do that for me but I have to go under the knife. I have a surgery scheduled for May 16. Don't cry for me, I will live and afterwards will be fitter, happier and more productive...

2. Ithaca, NY is my new favorite place in the whole wide world. Today the Mayor announced that May 8th will be known as The Grateful Dead day. That is amazing! Every state should adopt May 8 as a annual Grateful Dead holiday.

3. I found a website today that allows you to create your own mii character. A mii is the Nintendo Wii's personal characters. Players can create and personalize their mii, anyway imaginable. Here is the website if you are predisposed to do so.

4. I have some exciting professional news. A company that I interviewed with on Friday, called me today to set up an interview. Unfortunately my phone was going to die so I let it go to my voice mail but am definitely calling back tomorrow.

All in all today was a pretty crazy day

Buzz, your girlfriend, woooooof

1 comment:

Tim said...

that looks nothing like you