Saturday, May 12, 2007

During my recent trip to Virginia, I happened to meet and converse with a woman who was traveling to Florida. She had no luggage except the clothes on her back and was going down just to see the park and ride some rides and then go back home. At first, I thought to myself that this lady was a mountain of crazy but then after talking more with her I began to admire her level of spontaneity. It isn't ever day you meet someone who can just get up and go.

With that in mind I have just participated in my graduate degree ceremony. I have not earned my degree yet, I still have 1 class and an internship to complete, but that will be done this by mid July. I am now left to decide, do I stay in Bloomsburg or do I leave for greener pasture. Well only time will tell but what I have learned from my friend is that maybe I should start taking some chances.

Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end...

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