Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You know its election season because all the crazies are coming out and making outrageous comments. Here is an example, Dennis Prager, a right-wing radio host speaking before an audience of 3,oo0 in Minneapolis said this "Equality, which is the primary value of the left, is a European value, not an American value".

I do not know what Mr. Prager was thinking because it clearly states in the Constitution, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. I do not know what bothers me more, the fact that Mr. Prager said what he did or the applause he got from the crowd. You can check out a post on you tube below and let me know what you think

On a lighter note, I scheduled my classes for the spring. I will be taking two classes (Algebra and Intro to Information Systems and Science) and will be in class Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. The times will be varying and I am looking forward to the challenge.

Yes We Can!

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